Sunday, September 28, 2008

My Take on "The Host"

I absolutely loved the parts of this that I read. It was on the back of the Can in the master so I occasionally picked it up and opened it to a random spot and read for anywhere between 2 and 15 minutes.

From what I gather What I gather the body snatcher takes control of the Melanie and then melanie becomes her own conscience and then there is some kind of love triangle that happens with melanie, the body snatcher, and Jared. Even though the body snatcher is in complete denial.

If I was Stephanie Meyer's Husband I would be seriously concerned with how obsessed she is with love triangles...I would also worry that she wasn't really my wife at all!

I could be totally off, but skimming the book this is my take!


Elder Jack Anderson said...

It's eerie how dead on you are... 15 minutes? That must leave a nasty red ring. I'm in & out in 2 minutes regardless of what I'm doing in there.

Twilight was a legitimate love triangle. This was more of a love parallelogram because there was Mel, Jared, Wanda & Ian Ziering. That's 4 corners by my math.

MorganStrasser said...

I missed the part with the other people involved. So is that definately a parallelogram or is it possibly a trapezoid?
Yes it does make a difference.

ManicMandee said...

I can't tell you how many times I have wondered how Stephenie Meyer's marriage was! Does she have the passion that Bella and Edward have? Or does she wish her husband were like ----fill in the blank. Or whatever else.

Hot Pants said...

You don't need to be embarrassed about reading it Morgan. So don't act like you just skimmed it.
Sorry I have taken so long to get you your Preperation H. Maybe Sara has some time to pick you up some. You should ask Mark about borrowing his doughnut cushion. He does a lot of reading on the can too.

Markie23 said...

It's true... if you spent as much time as me on the throne, you would have finished it in a few readings.

Elder Jack Anderson said...

Somebody needs to change their diet. Leafy greens, people. Leafy greens.

It couldn't possibly be a trapezoid. Don't make me explain why.

Peter Priesthood said...
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Peter Priesthood said...

I think the only inspiration S.M. Received when concocting this story was from the devil himself.

Memzy said...

Even Straw..sir read the book? This book club thing is really taking off!!

E said...

Grimace. I'm totally keening. Flinch. Slug bug!

eekareek said...

Morgan is not actually pooping. He is sitting on the toilet pretending to poop so that he doesn't have to help me with the house or the kids. I used to be annoyed by it. But instead of getting mad, I just got even!!

Jennifer said...

It's true, take it from someone Morgan used to play the bathroom trick on every single time we were supposed to be doing the dishes. He would all of a sudden disappear, then reappear as soon as they were done. Amazing! And, it took forever for Mom to catch on. Good thing you don't have Sara fooled Morgan. :P

Hazel said...

Now is wish i had taken the time to skim...but sadly my poops are too short.

Anonymous said...

FYI B-day is tomorrow!

Jamie said...
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Jamie said...

My old take.....If it is a good enough book they will make a movie out of it. Nowadays they will make a movie out of any second rate book. Man Weekend 09

Brothers and Sisters have I none, but this man's father is my fathers son. Who is this man?